Friday, September 16, 2022

Advertisement Research


Golda Coffee Dolce Latte (


Good Day Cappuccino (


Nescafe Caffe Latte (



  • Media Language : This advertisement emphasises a luxury lifestyle as we can see from the huge and classic design of the mansion as the setting. The gold colour used for most of the scene and the luxury design of the long dress worn by the actress. 

At the beginning, it shows the model’s visual using the medium close-up shot and for the camera movement, it uses pan technique for it. After the short visualisation of the model, the advert shows the scenery of New York City using the establishing shot method and dolly camera movement. Furthermore, it also shows the Brooklyn Bridge set using a low angle camera shot. 

  • Representations : This ad targets people aged 16-28 because at this age people are very busy and often consume instant drinks. 

  • Audience : This ad is intended for teenagers and adults. In addition, this advertisement is also intended for those who like to drink coffee and travel a lot because this product is an instant coffee product which is most suitable for people who travel a lot because the product is easy to carry everywhere. 

  • Industry : This ad itself uses another country as the location for the recording. In addition, this advertisement is shown in various channels on national television. This ad also does not use any special technology. It's just that they use a lot of editing techniques such as zoom and iris. 


  • Media Language : There are so many colours used in this ad. The change in theme from the classic luxury theme of the old royal era to a modern theme that is so contemporary then changes to a classic modern theme. This ad combines beige with bright colours. In addition, artistic elements that look as if showing the changing times then return to the first set of locations.

  • Representations : This ad targets young people as their audience who is interested in exploring the world. 

  • Audience : This ad targets young people as their audience. More specifically, young people who like to explore because in the advertisement it is shown as if there is a time machine after the model drinks the coffee. 

  • Industry : This ad uses a variety of editing techniques and has a smooth transition with every change of set. One of the editing techniques used in this ad is fade. In addition, there is no special use of technology in this ad because the sets used look realistic. 


  • Media Language : This ad generally uses beige colour elements and uses various types of camera shots such as high angle shots, full shots or wide shots. This ad shows a winning feel because it uses elements of colour that are also calming. The theme used by this ad looks like there are elements of modern classical themes and young adults.

  • Representations : This ad targets the age group of 18 to 25 years. Especially for those who hang out and spend their time at the cafe. 

  • Audience : This ad is suitable for those who like to spend time in cafes because this ad gives a modern classic feel. It is suitable for people who like serenity or gathering with those closest to them. 

  • Industry : In this advertisement, it is very clear to use a realistic set design and does not indicate the use of sophisticated technology such as CG and others. The transitions in each scene change are also quite smooth and look as if they don't use too many complicated editing techniques. 

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