Thursday, July 27, 2023

Weekly Progress

WEEK - 1 
 Orientation week!


WEEK - 2 
This week we did an introduction of the project which is making a documentary video. Today I did some research by watching some documentary videos from different sub-genre of documentary videos. Today in class, we watched three documentary videos which was Making A Murderer (2018), Life In A Day (2020), and Gordon Ramsay Uncharted (2021). 


WEEK - 3  
This week we did the research for the big analysis about an true crime documentary. The title of the documentary is "American Vandal: Vandalism and Vulgarity". Next week we are planning to discuss in depth about our documentary project and finalize groupmate tasks. 


WEEK - 4 
This week we discussed about our storyboard and concept that we will use for our documentary project. 


WEEK - 5 
This week we start to make make our storyboard, what scene will be included in the video (including shoot, mise-en-scene), interview, and we already start to make some titles for our documentary. We had some problem in choosing the documentary title and who we will interview since it's only 5 minutes of the opening video. So we decided to not interview too many people and vote for some titles. 


WEEK - 6 
We finalized our title of our documentary ('What The Food'). We had some issues regarding the durations of our clips, we also finalized our filming (interview) schedule which is on Monday (August 28) and Tuesday (August 29) and then we will continue to do our editing process. I will start to find social media content and comments which will be included in our documentary video. 

Problems: durations, collecting data, developing ideas. 
To Do: start interview, voiceover, editing process (after filming). 


WEEK - 7 
We already finish filming until 90% and we already start editing. Social media comments are also finalized. 

Problems: re-schedule interview since our two of our member who are the cameramen were absent so we delayed the interview for 2 days. 
To Do: we will start our editing and finalize our thumbnail, we will also finalize the font that we will use for our documentary. 


WEEK - 8 
We had some problems when we wanted to interview Alden, we decided to interview Hanly who is also one of our friends instead. We are done with our filming session and the next stage is editing the video and thumbnail for our documentary. 

Problems: difficult to schedule interview with Alden because he's always busy, changing the documentary title. 
Solution: change from Alden to Hanly, our friend Jowey gave us idea for our documentary video. 
To Do: editing part, photoshoot for thumbnail and group photo. 


WEEK - 9 
We already start the editing process and almost half of the process. We are also starting to design the thumbnail which will be done by Ilona - our friend. 

Problems: thumbnail photoshoot. 
Solutions: we decide to ask Ilona to make the thumbnail. 
To Do: finishing editing process and the thumbnail, finalizing blog and critical self-reflection. 


WEEK - 10 
We are done with the project, the final documentary video is available through our blog!

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This is the critical self-reflection of my Component 3 Music Video production project.  (word count: 1689 words including intro)  Cambridge ...