Tuesday, August 8, 2023

TikTok (Government media regulation)

 What are the difficulties of regulating media in the digital age? 

ByteDance owns TikTok, a short-form video hosting platform that competes with Douyin in mainland China. Videos uploaded by users are hosted there, and they can be from three seconds to ten minutes long. TikTok and Douyin have grown in popularity around the world since their debuts. Tiktok was released in 2018, two years after Douyin that was released in 2016. These two different app has several differences especially in their contents and regulations. Douyin has some regulations while TikTok has none and the contents in Douyin are mostly educating and cultural. Compare to TikTok that contains random contents and it's not as educating as Douyin. The regulations difference between both of the apps are also different. Douyin has some regulations for children under 14 years old; app is locked from 10pm to 6am, only 40 minutes per day, and promoted videos by the algorithm. While on the other hand, TikTok has no regulation at all which means that everyone can use this app freely. 

Douyin is definitely controlled by the Chinese government and if there are any unethical contents and the user can sue the business while on the other hand, TikTok, users cannot sue the business no matter what because TikTok is protected by the US Law Section 230. So instead of the app get banned, the user account will be banned. This regulations might be good for the business as they can still operate. However, the users need to be more wise in choosing the contents that they want to watch in TikTok. 

Some difficulties in regulating media nowadays is that so many people would just give fake information before signing up so that they can use the app freely without any strict regulations. Other than that, people nowadays also have so many access to get the contents they want by signing up through illegal site that are mostly free for the users and has no regulations. 

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