Thursday, October 5, 2023

Weekly Progress & Plan

 Here is the weekly progress of my project, I have also included the rough plan. 

Reflection: Implementing a structured weekly plan and progress tracking in our music video project has proven instrumental in maintaining organization and efficiency. The plan has provided a clear roadmap, fostering better collaboration and accountability within the team. Regular progress check-ins enable us to identify and address challenges promptly, ensuring the project stays on course. The flexibility of this approach allows for timely adjustments, and celebrating weekly milestones boosts team morale. Overall, this method has been crucial in achieving our collective vision for the music video. 


Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(13 Feb)

Deadline (Tuesday 13th February)





This week we haven't decide anything for our project. But we already create the brief, set our blog posts, and did some basic research in some music videos.  

This week we had two project lesson and we already complete our music video analysis, we also decide what kind of concept that our group will use for our music video project. Today we did some research for the artist brand image and their album cover including their social media. 

This week me and my team have already decide which song that we will use for our MV which is "Oceans & Engines" by NIKI. We already started to discuss some potential concepts for our MV as well as starting the research for branding and starting to do our statement of intent. I also decided to change my format to make it more reflective. 

Problems: we got some good concepts and we need to gather together to discuss the concepts. 
Solution: we know what song we will use for our MV so it is easier for us to start think of the concepts. 
To-Do: finishing statement of intent, finishing branding research, deciding the main concepts for the MV. 

This week we did a mini project for our music video so that we have idea of what we want to do for our final project. We are also done with the statement of intent, we made a moodboard to combined our ideas into a same pages, and we are also done with our branding research. 

Problems: name for our singer and deciding places for our MV. 
Solution: we did some research for our singer names. 
To-Do: storyboard, finalize stage name, and casts. 

This week we had already create some ideas for our screenplay and decide some locations for our MV. 

Problems: we had an argument regarding the scenes/storyline of our music video. 
Solution: we decided to make some back-up plans. 
To-Do: storyboard, finalize stage name, scouting locations. 

This week we learned some theories about media ecology and today itself we almost finalize our concept and scenes. 

Problems: contrasting idea, one of our member (Satria) that makes us unable to share our discussion in details to him. 
Solution: we had a bit discussion with our teacher that suggest us some other scenes. 
To-Do: storyboard, finalize stage name, scouting locations. 

This week we were checking and completing our blogposts. 

Problems: some technical issues in updating our blog and developments. 
Solutions: watching some YouTube videos and searching some site that can be used to solve the technical issues. 
To-Do: storyboard and screenplay. 

This is our first lesson in second semester. We did the lip sync shooting during the holiday and we are planning to continue the other shooting by next week at IKEA. 

Problems: managing schedules with the main actors. 
Solutions: doing the shooting during weekend to have more time to spend. 
To-Do: shooting, starting digipak and social media concept. 

We did the shooting at IKEA and Ace Hardware during the weekend with both of our main actors, Nathasya and Ethan. 

Problems: we did not knew that IKEA does not allow us to us camera inside their area.  
Solutions: we use Theo's phone for taking the videos. 
To-Do: shooting at Lotte Mart parking lot, conducting more informations for digipak and social media. 

This week we learned about moral panics and fandom theory. We were planning to continue our shooting on Saturday. However, our actors are having other schedule which makes us to change our shooting schedule to the next day. Also, Theo's car which is one of our property got crashed which makes us to find another alternative which is borrowing our friend's car. 

Problem: Theo's car got crashed. 
Solutions: we borrowed Elang's car to be our property. 
To-Do: shooting at Pantai Nyanyi, continuing digipak and social media. 

We are 80% done with the overall project. 


  • Creating social media page (Instagram account) 
  • Designing digipak 
  • Finalizing music video editing 

This week we lost a lesson because of public holiday due to the election day. Were are 90% dine with the editing process and half away done with digipak dan social media. I will be in charge for social media, while Satria is in charge for digipak and Theo is in charge for editing the final product alongside with the teaser video. 

Our teacher changed the deadline and gave us extra time to finalize our project due to many public holidays and school events that made us not having enough time to complete our project. However, my team are 95% of the overall product and all we need to complete is the social media page and edit a bit part of the music video. 

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This is the critical self-reflection of my Component 3 Music Video production project.  (word count: 1689 words including intro)  Cambridge ...