Thursday, November 16, 2023

Actor/Performer Screen Test

This blog post was written by me (Nadine) which contains several of our chosen stage names and what we have chosen to be the stage names of our artists as well as who will be the actors in our MV along with the reasons why we chose them.

Reflection: Through careful discussions and thinking, we've picked an artist name that fits well with the song we've chosen and matches the style of the original singer. This careful selection process has been really helpful in deciding which actors to cast in our music video. The artist name we chose helps us figure out which actors best match the mood of the song and fit with the image we want to create. This way of making decisions ensures that our artist name and the visuals in the music video go together smoothly, showing our artistic vision in a clear and consistent way.

To ensure our artist aligns with her Asian background, we deliberated on selecting an aesthetically pleasing name for her. It's crucial that the name complements the artist's image on album covers and song titles, influencing how the audience perceives her. However, considering the need to cater to an English-speaking audience, we aimed for a name that strikes a balance between her cultural heritage and a Western appeal. The chosen name leans towards a mixed feel, with a first name carrying a Western vibe. We specifically aimed for a name that resonates with the calm and gentle demeanor exhibited by some of the original singers of the song. Additionally, the name was selected to align with the overall vibe of the song and to be adaptable to future branding efforts. 

These are some the lists of the name we discussed: 
1. Dylan 
2. Youra 
3. Luna 
4. Sze 
5. Jeju 
6. Chila 

Ultimately, we settled on the name LUNA for our artist. We found it to be a straightforward yet representative choice that aligns with our vision. The simplicity of the name adheres to industry norms for female artists while maintaining a unique quality that sets our artist apart. LUNA not only stands out but also seamlessly captures the desired vibe we aim to convey through her music. 

Given that "Oceans & Engines" narrates the tale of departure, we perceive it as a song imbued with the sincerity and innocence of a teenage soul once entangled in love but ultimately facing failure. To visually capture the essence of the song, we've decided to cast two individuals who will play pivotal roles in our music video. In line with our initial choice of an Asian woman as our featured artist, we have opted to recruit an Asian woman for a lead role. We envision someone with a calm demeanor and a cheerful appearance to embody the essence of the song. Additionally, we're looking to cast a male actor of Asian descent to complement the storyline and bring authenticity to the project. 

These are some lists of the potential actors from our discussion: 
1. Daudy & Monik (Theo's friend) 
2. Davin & Melody (our friend) 
3. Ethan & Nathasya (Theo's friend) 

Furthermore, the narrative for our music video revolves around the protagonist (the artist) grappling with the lingering memories of her departed lover. We aim to portray the moments of joy and happiness shared between the artist and her late partner, followed by a depiction of the emptiness that persists in the artist's life after the departure. In keeping with the intimate nature of the storyline, we have opted to cast only two individuals who will portray the couple. Our focus will be primarily on the female lead, allowing the narrative to unfold through her perspective. 

After careful consideration and discussions, we are pleased to announce that Ethan and Nathasya, both close associates of ours, have enthusiastically agreed to take on the roles in our music video. We believe that their chemistry and capabilities will effectively convey the emotional depth and authenticity needed for the storyline. 

Screen Test 
Having solidified our cast list, we've taken the next step by arranging screen tests for the potential actors we've identified. This process will enable us to assess each candidate's ability to embody and portray the characters envisioned for our music video. Through these screen tests, we aim to determine the best fit for bringing the narrative to life, ensuring that the selected actors authentically capture the emotions and nuances essential to the storyline. This meticulous approach reflects our commitment to delivering a music video that resonates with the intended narrative and emotional impact. 

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