Sunday, February 25, 2024


This document includes the shooting process and the several images of the behind the scenes. 
Credit: Theo 

Day 1 (28 December 2023)

On the first day we are having the shooting day for the Lip sync scenes where we focuses on constructing the Lip sync part. The scene was plan to act as self reflective phase where she will be alone with blank spaces as time doesn't exist. 

Problems: We didn't really plan on the shot list and how our artist should act during the lip sync scene so at the end we wasted lot's of time during the set.

Solution: we will try to inform our artist and try to do some rehearsal before arriving at the shooting location or far away before the production day 

Day 2 (21 January)

On the second day of production we are having the "Play Date Scene" in Ikea. The team arrived at around 4 pm. After all the members and actors arrived we do some short rehearsal that this scene would be them acting naturally without any guidance and the camera man (me) will just try to documented the moment

Problems: We didn't know that camera's aren't allowed to use inside the Ikea store

Solution: Since we have no other choice we have to use one of our phone camera member to documented the scene since we have arrived.

Day 3 (27 January)

On the third day of the production we were having the "parking lot date" in Lotte mart parking lot. This scene will be about how the artist is waiting for her boyfriend where the scene will be the introduction of the music video.

Problems: The weather was very cloudy where potential rain is likely to happened

Solutions: We have prepared our umbrella and raincoat so we can still proceed to the shooting.

Day 4 (3 February)

On the fourth day of the production we were having the "Picnic in Car day" in Pantai Nyanyi where this scene will be the about the couples having fun while slowly started to fade away. Since the location is quite far from our place we decided to to a full day shooting production and do the "Realization day" where she will be alone and showing she realize that her boyfriend has gone for good. We also decided to do the photoshoot there as we have spend quite a lot for renting the place.

Problems: There were sudden rain where the team was force to leave the place.
Solutions: We have to wait for the rain to stop and luckily the rain stop after we finished our lunch. 

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This is the critical self-reflection of my Component 3 Music Video production project.  (word count: 1689 words including intro)  Cambridge ...