Sunday, November 27, 2022

Radio Survey (Analysis)

Our target in the radio show are high school students from grade 10 to grade 12 as well as teachers. We target at least 20 responses from the Google form that we have created. And based on the picture above, we get the most responses from 11th graders and no response from 10th graders.

The ratio of the difference between the responses of men and women is not much different. 

Pop music ranks first as the type of music most in demand by our target audience, followed by K-Pop/J-Pop afterward. We decided to follow the results of this survey for the selection of songs that we will include in our radio show.

The average audience listens to the radio in the car while traveling somewhere. And the survey results show that more than half of our audience listens to the radio. So we chose songs that are great to hear on the go and can also lift someone's spirits.

Since school events had the highest results, we decided to follow the results. In our radio broadcast later, we decided to discuss a recent, most up-to-date event or program that is currently being held by the school and express how the students involved reacted and our opinion about it.

For the news section, we decided to deliver news about the big event being held in Indonesia, namely the G20, because the event attracted the attention of many people and was being actively discussed by the public. 

Since almost 90% voted for two speakers, we also chose to follow the results. It is also intended that our radio program does not sound monotonous if only one speaker appears from the beginning to the end of the session.

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This is the critical self-reflection of my Component 3 Music Video production project.  (word count: 1689 words including intro)  Cambridge ...